Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract茶葉萃取精華-含抗氧化性維生素(β─胡蘿蔔素、維他命E及維他命C)有助肌膚抗菌、抗氧化、收斂、提升保濕鎖水能力、深層滋養作用。
Limnanthes Alba Seed Oil白芒花籽油-白芒花籽油提取物-有助軟化肌膚,滋潤底層細胞,令皮膚更水潤。
Panax Ginseng Root Extract人參根萃取-含人蔘皂素(ginseng saponin)、多醣體、維生素等能夠滋養皮膚、強化組織並保持肌膚彈性。
About this product:
This is an exclusive product for your eyes. Eye zone is sensitive to outer stimuli and environment, and it tends to get wrinkles easily due to little secretion of sebum. Apply it around your eyes to provide them with sufficient moisture and nutrition with a soft texture.
It is an exclusive product for eyes. Around eye is sensitive to outer stimulus and environment, and this part tends to easily get wrinkles due to a little secretion of sebum. It is supposed to provide around eyes with sufficient moistures and nutrition having soft texture. Botanical extracts like KAVA KAVA extract, Green tea extract are expected to give a wealth of nutrition as well as maintaining elasticity, being healthy and being moisturized to around eyes.How To Use:
- Apply a small quantity on around eyes at next phase of toner and lotion
- Attention not to put contents on eyes